Herb and Spice Beverages brewed for Healthy-Minded Folks

Crazy Healthy Brew are extremely nourishing herbal combinations that have been created by combining some of nature’s earliest superfoods for those who want to maintain optimum health and gain anti-aging benefits.

By enjoying Crazy Healthy Brew (with each of our ingredients being anti-inflammatory, and much more), we provide ourselves with tried and true natural ingredients that help the body to be at its best.

Our Goal

The goal of Crazy Healthy Brew is to provide you with blended ingredients from “food as medicine” categories that can supports you in fortifying your first line of defence and help your body be at its best.

We believe in “knowledge is power” and the more you know about what you consume the healthier you can become…at any age.

How Crazy Healthy Brew started

We began brewing this combination of ingredients on the stovetop in 2016 and served it to family, friends, and work associates. It has become very popular, and since we can now provide all the ingredients in a blended powder form, we can offer the same healthy and delicious brewed herb and spice flavors to you.

When we started researching these ingredients, we were amazed at the enormous health benefits each ingredient provides. These ingredients have been around for thousands of years and were part of our ancestor’s diets. Many of the chemical compounds from these ingredients have been tested in the lab in vitro and in vivo, in animal studies and in small human studies where they have shown powerful health benefits. Unfortunately, none of these ingredients have undergone any large, double-blind study on humans that scientifically proves out the benefits of the ingredients…and probably never will. Simply put: there is no money to be made in proving such results, as they are all freely available in your local markets.

What we believe in

Being passionate about high quality healthy products. Being affordable and environmentally friendly.

How it’s better for you

It’s really quite simple. All of us want to live longer and healthier lives, but, as we age, our bodies begin to wear out and need a bit of help. One of the body’s worst enemy is inflammation. Low-grade, chronic inflammation subtly begins to set in and it can have massive health impacts over time. The best way to live healthier lives and to help slow inflammation and aging is with a balanced lifestyle.

By enjoying Crazy Healthy Brew (with each of our ingredients being anti-inflammatory), we provide ourselves with tried and true natural ingredients that helps the body to be at its best.

When, where, how to drink

We always have a bottle of one of the cold Blends in the fridge. When we make a batch for the fridge, we let it sit overnight to let the flavors fuse together. The cold brew lasts in the fridge for more than 3 weeks and continues to become more robust in flavor over time. The brew starts our day as a cold refreshing drink either in lieu of orange juice, or, sometimes, blended with the orange juice. We finish our day by pouring from the bottle and heating a cuppa in the microwave just before bed. During the day, we may blend the cold brew with other flavors. Crazy Healthy Brew blends well with many other juices or teas.

Others put a serving packet into smoothies and yogurt to reap all the long term health benefits it provides.

What it taste like

The flavors blend to create a mild earthy herbal taste with a hint of citrus. As hot tea the ginger is evident but not overwhelming. and as a cold brew with honey, the taste is uniquely robust and refreshing.

What we put in

Original Brew Blend

  • Organic Ginger juice powder
  • Organic Cinnamon bark extract powder
  • Lemon zest oils and juice powder
  • Lime zest oils and juice powder
  • Organic apple cider ginger powder
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Ashwagandha Brew Blend

  • Organic Ginger juice powder
  • Organic Cinnamon bark extract powder
  • Lemon zest oils and juice powder
  • Lime zest oils and juice powder
  • Organic apple cider vinegar powder
  • Organic Ashwagandha root extract powder
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Healthy lifestyle start here.

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