Benefits Chart

Crazy Healthy Brew

  Original Powerder Blend    
Benefit (No other ingredients added) Ginger Cinnamon Lemon & Limes ACV with Honey (13g) with Ashwagandha (450mg)
Anti-inflamamatory Properties
Neurotrophic for Mental Alertness & Health
Antioxidants Properties
GI Health & Indegestion relief
Nutritional Benefits and Trace Minerals
Anti-aging Properties and Benefits
Aids in weight loss & appetite suppression
Supports Healthy Cholesterol levels
Anti-bacterial and Antimicrobial Properties
Helps Lowers Blood Sugar
Anti-viral and Antibiotic Properties
Anti-fungal Properties
Provides Hangover relief
Helps prevent Periodental desease
Helps Lower Blood Pressure
Prebiotic Properties
Promotes Collagen formation
Helps Nausea Relief
Improves muscle gain and recovery
Adaptogen (Helps relieve Stress and Anxiety)
Supports Testosterone balance
Promote Collagen Formation
Total # PubMed Research papers per Ingredient 4,786 3,342 20,552 131 15,521 1,560
Number of years used by our ancestors 5,000 5,000 7,000 7,000 8,000 8,000

Science backed studies on each one of the checked boxes. See:

Crazy Health Brew ingredients should be used as part of a balanced lifestyle, and always speak to your healthcare provider if you have any questions.